Book Review: "Disease Proof Your Child"

'Disease Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right' by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

There are so many great books out there about Eating Healthy and the importance of a plant based diet. Joel Fuhrman M.D., Author of 'Eat to Live' wrote a book to "help families transform their eating habits and recover their health."

The 1st section of the book talks about the basic importance of nutrition and the idea of preventing and treating childhood illness through diet. This section can get a little repetitive but the message is clear: A plant based, highly nutrient rich diet is key to a healthy life and reducing childhood, as well as, adult cancers, diabetes, asthma, allergies and more. He talks about the overuse of antibiotics due to the lack of healthful eating. He gives interesting statistics and paints a picture of what is happening to the youth in America with the troubling rise in Obesity. "Only about 32 percent of calcium in milk is absorbed, while 54 percent of the calcium in Bok Choy is absorbed." The amounts of Calcium in Skim milk " 334mg" vs Bok Choy "787 mg." He talks about the advertising push that make us believe one food is better than another. Read this book to find out more interesting facts.

The second half of the book focuses on what you can do! He begins at prenatal nutrition and works his way up through the years. He talks about how to introduce foods, reduce disease and discussions that you can have with older children. He shares what he thinks are the most toxic foods and the most healing and protective foods. He gives recipes and meal plans. Just note he does share that vegans, vegetarians and omnivores can all have an unhealthy diet if they are not rich in plant based nutrient rich foods. He gives concrete steps to making your home a healthful one and that curing a member of the family through diet requires the commitment of the entire family and the health benefits that are associated with that. He discusses good fats and bad fats.

It is a quick and easy read filled with ways to make big changes for the health and benefit of your family. Check out his blog....

Happy Reading,

Vegan Chef Period
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