The Cost of Being An Organic and Sustainable Business

We love reviews, and we love the honesty that is presented in reviews - we really love when you talk to us directly about what you love and don't love. It helps us grow, we can see if it is a better suited option for our ideals. Every choice is a thoughtful and conscientious one. However, there is one issue that is often reviewed that many don't agree on - some people find us over priced and others find us reasonable.What causes this divide? I thought this diverse understanding of our prices warrants  discussion.We decided to run a business that follows our ideals with a real focus on sustainability, voting with our dollars, supporting small farmers, supporting organic, and so much more.

What it means to support organic

All our spices, oil, coconut butters, vinegars, produce, nuts - everything we purchase is organic.  And organic costs more. Why? Organic processes can be more labor intensive, often requiring hands to connect with each plant. On the other hand, spraying pesticides is easy.  You spray a large area and your crops are safe from bugs. Individual attention and labor intensity in organics drive up prices.Some say "Why not just purchase the dirty dozen organic? It would be healthier and you would not have to spend so much." Although we understand the thought process behind the dirty dozen - Don't eat blueberries that have been sprayed because you are directly ingesting the pesticide and that you can eat a banana because you peel the banana thus removing the pesticides.However, when pesticides are sprayed, they are released into the air, soil and water supply. They are killing both the pests in the garden and the positive garden bugs. Our choice is not a personal health vote but a planetary health vote.What it means to support local:Supporting local often means higher prices for a few reasons:

  • Local farmers are often the smaller farmer and they might not have access to production equipment an industrial farmer might.
  • Again, it is again more labor intensive.
  • Many of our farms are governmentally subsidized but not the small, organic farmer. Thus their prices are higher than the falsely represented national prices.

We purchase all our produce from within 150 miles reducing the carbon emmissions and footprint that we make on this planet.

The cost of being organic

Not only are we using all organics but what we are putting on the plate is high quality whole foods.  Nuts are an expensive and nutritious addition and although you may not always see it on your meal, it adds a dynamic protein and nutrient rich punch. We are about knock out nutrients on the plate while continuing to allow us to have the feel of true comfort foods. Quality ingredients are worth the upgrade from the chocolate to the coffees.

Supporting sustainability

Along with supporting organic and local we have environmentally friendly practices in the restaurant. Instead of buying plastic to-go containers we purchase compostable containers at a higher cost - a minimum of 40 cents more per container.  We rent rags and aprons to reduce the trash that we are throwing away although paper towels cost pennies versus the more expensive cost of using reusable rags.

Supporting the community

We give back by supporting a different non-profit each month giving 22 percent of the food sales for that Sunday dinner.  Also, five percent of our profits will be going to Animal Place. We also try and work with non-profits when we cater and work to reduce costs.Actions speak louder than words and we do this because we vote with our dollars. If more people demand local, organic and sustainable, market prices will trend down. Our planet is worth it. Your health is worth it. My family's health is worth it. The survivial of this earth is worth it.What do you think?Photo Credit: marcp_dmoz via Compfight cc