Preetirang Sanctuary Rescues Farmed Animals
Preetirang Mission
The beauty of the name
Stories About the Animals: Why We Do What We Do
When six-month old Jai joined the PreetiRang family, Brahma, a four-year old steer, and MahaLakshmi, a four- year old heifer, were the only members of our bovine population. Both were treated like a king and a queen. If we fed Jai before Brahma & MahaLakshmi, Brahma would pout and refuse to eat while MahaLakshmi devoured their meal. If we approached Brahma from his left, he would turn his face away to the right; if we approached him from his right, he would turn his face away to the left. This is against the gender stereotypes....finally we had to give Brahma his own separate pile and stroke him while he ate!Baby Bertha is a actually a boy (Bert) and a mixture of Game Rooster with some other breed. She came to use as a newly hatched chick found on the middle of a road near a nearby farm. She actually seemed to be asking for a ride to PreetiRang from an animal activist who was driving to our second anniversary celebration. We adopted her and named her Bertha but she turned out to be a boy. She has been living indoors I couldn't leave her in an incubator all day, like in a pet store, so she lived in my pocket or body slings made out of towels or my shoulders. Check it out here. When it's time to go back into her cage, she runs round and round so fast that both Dad and Mom can't catch her. Finally she runs into a corner and hides behind something (like the kitty litter box in the bathroom or the folding chairs in the living room). She tries hard to breathe softly and not move at all so she doesn't get caught......while her whole body is in full view; only her cute face is hidden. "If I can't see the world, the world can't see me" :-)
Becoming a family owned Sanctuary
It's a long story.....if you have the time, you should read it here to get a feel for the answer. Trying to summarize it here:As a Hindu, I always wanted to live the "prescribed" life:- 1st 25 years as a student learning as much as possible- next 25 years as a householder (raising a family, spending sensibly and saving)- next 25 years giving back- last 25 years of renunciationAfter taking early retirement from my high tech demanding job, I was thinking of the next thing led to another and my strong feeling was that I MUST serve non-human animals for moksha (freedom from the cycle of birth-death-rebirth), the ultimate goal of Hindus. During my demanding career, I funded social causes in India and visited them; I volunteered at at-risk schools as a role model for at-risk students and as a spiritual care provider at Kaiser Hospital. ....but I had not worked on non-human related causes....the time had come for that.
A Day in the Life at Preetirang
Upcoming Events
Sunday, June 26th, 2016, there's a 5K, 10K Walk/Run/Marathon or Yogathon at Baylands Park, Sunnyvale where you can choose to walk/run perform yoga asanas for PreetiRang to raise funds.
Donating to Preetirang
Cash or check, when people visit or by mail.Visit our home page where you'll find an easy donate button to donate using credit cards.