Artist Highlight: Alli Sadegiani

Alli Sadegiani
medium: Film photography 35mm / Medium format
I grew up in Sweden and from early age dedicated myself to self expression thorough different avenues. I've dived into painting, graphic design, animation, film both professionally and non professionally for the past 20+ years. Film photography is just one of those avenues
What is the inspiration behind the work?
Probably poetry and music. Although I'm not very good with words or musically gifted I'm triggered by the imagery of words and sound. I'm intrigued by how some visual work invites you to feel and see sound and hear poetry. Or how certain music or sound paints a picture in your head when you close your eyes.
Is there a piece that you have created that you are most proud of?
Why? It's hard to pick a favorite but I think the ones featured in this article are probably most representative of the type of visual poetry I'm trying to achieve. I think there is still tons of room for improvement but at least it's a start.
Do you believe that art sparks conversation? What is the conversation
that you are sharing through your art? Absolutely. Art is the most fundamental and primal way of communication going back to the dawn of our species. It's a piece of universal language that doesn't see any boundaries and is truly inclusive. You don't have to speak a certain tongue or belong to a specific culture to feel art. It's an unfiltered transaction between two unique minds - the sender and the receiver, and I think now more than ever art plays an important roll in speaking about the unspeakable.
What led you to become an artist? I think everyone is an artist. I'm not one of those people who thinks artists are a chosen few born with a certain super gift. In my view If you have thoughts, you are an artist. You just need to find your own tool for expressing those thoughts. If anything that's what differentiates "ordinary" people from "artist". The fact that you choose to find a tool to express yourself. Some people use painting others express themselves through baking or dance. Some people are good listeners. That's an art to that. It's about what it is that you want to bring to the world around you and how you want to use your art to make a difference. In fact I think if more people knew that they have an artist locked inside of them we would all be better off.
You can find me on instagram:@professor_hairyor Flickr:
Compassion, community, the planet, the people, animals, health and
sustainability are what drive Sanctuary Bistro. How would you say these impact your work? I don't think I would have the energy to do any of this if it wasn't for those values. We have been gifted with this beautiful planet. An extraordinary blue speck in an infinite and vast universe. To quote Carl Sagan "That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives." This is extremely profound.
This amazing world we all live in for a short amount of time. This is it. And we are taking it for granted and effing it up. It absolutely breaks my heart and makes me sick to my stomach to see what we are doing with our only home and its habitats.
I'm trying to see the small beautiful moments in our very day lives that we otherwise would take for granted. I've heard some people say there is a certain feeling of melancholy over my photos and perhaps it's true. Maybe I'm subconsciously taking a snap shots of these unique and never-to-be-repeated beautiful moments, knowing we are running out of time.
How does one purchase your work and if I do what happens?
I've not yet found a way to print my work that is environmentally sustainable. And I don't want to stock up print that might not get sold.I might consider offering made to order prints in the future but if you can enjoy my work online and it makes you feel something, I think it's a win.
If you want to support my work you can make donations that would go towards buying film.I'm always trying to go out my way to find old stocks of expired film that otherwise would've ended up in landfill over buying new film. Contact me if you are interested and I will also gladly accept donations of old film laying around in your grandma's attic.
Thank you Sanctuary Bistro for giving us a platform to share our thoughts to the community and world around us!