Highlighted Artist: Sonya Kleshik

Sonya Kleshik
Medium: painting, collage, mixed media
I am an intuitive artist, working in the mediums of painting, collage and mixed media. Art was always my first love as a child, but when I grew up I opted for a career in international development and human rights and left my self expression behind. It was after I began Vipassana meditation in 2013 that my whole inner journey and spiritual path opened up and not long after that, I heard the creative call to dive in completely to make art again. It has been a path of integration and self discovery, unearthing and welcoming in the creative child I was, while also being the adult I have become who can now celebrate and care for the child's continued self-expression. It has been transformative and empowering, and so I now love to share the magic that art has brought into my life with others. I sell my original work, as well as do creativity mentoring, teach art, and facilitate SoulCollage(r).
My inspiration is always the present moment. Once, I let go of the idea that there has to be a big idea or concept to make art, and that is fully enough just to show up, I went from being in years of creative drought to having an endless supply of creativity. It is always an adventure, always fresh and new. Not all the work I make I keep, but surrendering to the process over the result has been the key to my becoming prolific and keeping my commitment to my work. Creating much, and often, I find I end up creating enough that I have quite a few works I keep and show.
Is there a piece that you have created that you are most proud of?
It's hard to name a single piece, since I have many. I guess I would have to name the first painting I created after returning to my art. It's a tree, and quite a simple painting, but it took me a lot of courage and strength to paint. I struggled with a lot of negative thoughts about myself and my abilities as I was painting it. It seemed as though the simple act of picking up the paintbrush again stirred up a lot of old emotion. I've come to see many people struggle with this as their primary creative block and I have a lot of compassion for those going through that. So I must say I am proud that I finished that painting and that it led to many more. You can view it here: https://www.artworkarchive.com/profile/sonyakleshik/artwork/large-tree-without-bark
Do you believe that art sparks conversation?
I definitely believe that art sparks conversation! For me the best and most meaningful conversation art can spark is first and foremost an inner conversation with oneself. Art invites us to see, feel, and respond to an image, to connect with it. In so doing, we connect to ourselves; our emotions, associations, tastes. When multiple people look at the same work and connect with it, the conversation that they can then have is so deep, so rich. Art can open our worlds to one another in ways that would otherwise be impossible. It is a powerful tool as well as a sacred gift of communication and connection.
What is the most exciting "thing" that has happened through your work.
It is always inspiring to see people connect with my work and see something new for themselves. I am always so happy to hear from clients that they love a piece, or that it continues to speak to them in new ways. One amazing thing that I can say I could never have expected was that a friend who attended my last show had a mystical experience seeing the various series of my work, and reaching the end of the show, she saw my Cosmic Series. They are abstract, with a lot of splattering, and look like you are floating in space. She said that it was so comforting, that it made her fear death less. I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams that somehow my art could assuage another human being's fear of death!
Where can we see more of your work? My website and Instagram, www.sonyakleshik.com, www.instagram.com/sonyakleshik/
Compassion, community, the planet, the people, animals, health and
sustainability are what drive Sanctuary Bistro. How would you say these issues impact your work?
I deeply believe in the values of compassion, love and respect for the earth and all beings. Through my meditation I have seen how inner connection is needed for us to truly connect to one another and the planet, to understand at the deepest level how interconnected we are. I believe that art is a way to find a path into the hearts of people, to make them feel, to really connect. Without really feeling and connecting to oneself, true community and happiness is not possible. Art is my way of bringing peace and compassion to the world.
How does one purchase your work? You are welcome to purchase any of my available original works you can view through my website, www.sonyakleshik.com. You will need to click on the button that says inquire next to the piece, and I will get your message. I will work with you to ship the piece to you, or if we are local we can arrange a pickup.
Once you've purchased one of my works, the original is yours and you are free to do with it what you wish. I keep the copyright to reproductions, however.
Upcoming Shows
My next show will be May - July at Ameriprise Financial, 1905 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126. Details about the exact dates and reception are forthcoming.