Interview Jacinda, champion for the animals, about National Animal Rights Day 2015

1.  When you receive donation what does the money support? National Animal Rights Day is run by volunteers who put on fundraisers to raise the money needed to put on the ceremony and event in San Francisco at UN Plaza on May 30th. This is a ceremony and event to educate the public about animals and their rights.2.  What inspired you to do this line of work? This vision was guided by the amazing work of the Spanish animal rights organization, Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality), and its public events held on the International Animal Rights Day in many other countries. 
3.  What is the mission of NARD? In solidarity on the same day, events are held simultaneously in various cities for the purpose of giving voice to the billions of animals who languish and die in the US each year by human hands; raising awareness of their plight and need for legal rights that are established and protected by law; reiterate their rights to live happy and free; mourn their loss; and celebrate the progress being made towards changing this.4. How could people help your mission? They can go to for more information on the event and how to participate, donate or volunteer.5. Can you give us a couple stories/anecdotes of your most powerful experiences through NARD? Storytelling is the best way to get people to think and understand things, they might not have otherwise thought about. We tell stories about many animals in our ceremony. Then we ask people to sign The Declaration of Animal Rights to remember that this is our planet but it's theirs too. Then afterwards we will have tables from animal groups in the area that will help educate the public about how they can best help animals as a whole and get active in their area. For the first time we will have vegan food sampling to do that type of outreach and maybe even a few food vendors as well.
6.  Can you surprise us with a couple facts? This ceremony/event is growing. It started in New York City, the next year it was NYC and Los Angeles. Last year was San Francisco's first time, along with NYC/LA. This year it will be NYC/LA/SF, with the new cities Colorado Springs, Ottawa and possibly a few more.7. Any upcoming events we should know about? Please go this Sunday, March 15th to either the San Jose (5-10pm) or Walnut Creek (12-9pm) locations of Veggie Grill, to help National Animal Rights Day 2015 San Francisco raise funds for putting on this special ceremony and event. Make sure to tell them when you're ordering that you're there for the fundraiser and 50% of your order will go to NARD.
8.  Final words?​ Thank you Sanctuary Bistro for doing what you do and helping us raise funds we need to make this happen for 2015. We couldn't do it without people like you!