Useless and fun facts about Sanctuary Bistro's First Year
We have had an amazing 1st year. So much love - a wild roller coaster ride that we are re-embarking on with intention for year two. It is amazing to have had a dream and watch it come to life. I have called the restaurant my twins and as in parenthood there have been up and downs. Joy and tears. Excitement and Fear. Abundance and overwhelm. As twins can run in two directions at once the restaurant can also pull you in two, three, four and more places. But there is an empowerment and an exhilaration that comes with starting our own business from scratch. We love that the Local Love Family has become part of the growing Sanctuary Bistro family. You know who you are. And to those of you that have become part of the Sanctuary Bistro family- thank you. You have given us so much love and support.I look at pictures of us before we started the restaurant and think how young we look and realize it was only a year ago. Barry with his dad August 2014
The whole Family 2014
Barry 2015
Barry August 2015
Jayden with the most marked change. August 2015
Jennifer at Timeless July 2015 We are so excited to be on this adventure. Some useless fun stats - to leave you on...Barry worked 4200 hoursJennifer worked 2600 hours while raising the two kids and keeping a messy house.We poured 822 glasses of beer.2831 Salads for dinner5331 Amuse Bouches5000 desserts7000 lunch items5300 Entrees for dinner2600 cups of amazing Timeless coffee (not counting what Barry drank)5000 glasses of wine (not counting what I drank)462 almond pancakes5000 small plates for dinner1025 brunch sides1600 BLATT dillas2000 waffles- in just two days a week for a year.17 Monday Community Nights: Kayle Martin, Will Travel For Vegan FOod, Kasin, Neal Grace, Chacewater, Rebeccah Gilbert, Ayerveda Three Rivers, Flow Kana, Verdandia, Justice Grace Winery, Michelle Waters, Michelle Cehn, John Salley, Isabella La Rocca, Julie Motz, Alex Eaves, Ivan Hernandez$9900 to various non-profits - just in contributions from various dinners and events, not in gift certificates given: Including but not limited to: Preetirang, Harvest Home, Hen House, Rotacare, March for Elephants, Tanzania Polio Hospital, Animal Place, United Poultry Concerns, Three Hearts Urban Food Forest, Vegan Outreach, Thank The Turkey's House Rabbit Society, Factory Farming Animal Coalition, Nard Thank YOU for making this year grand!We would love to continue to celebrate- will you please share an anecdote in the comments below of an experience that you had with Sanctuary Bistro? From our Family to yours,Jennifer, Chef Barry, Jayden and Adeline.